About us [FR]Extract from Wikipedia
An amateur radio repeater is an electronic device that receives a weak or low-level amateur radio signal and retransmits it at a higher level or higher power, so that the signal can cover longer distances without degradation. Many repeaters are located on hilltops or on tall buildings as the higher location increases their coverage area, sometimes referred to as the radio horizon, or "footprint".
Wikipedia Encyclopedia
Welcome to the Groupe Radio VE2RMP Radio Groups Website.
Our mission is keep amateur radio active in the Greater Montreal and surrounding areas. Our membership is comprised of many types of people. We have members with all kinds of backgrounds; in electronics, aviation, construction, and programming… to name just a few.
Over the years we have progressed from analogue repeaters to Dstar then to DMR , and now to the latest trend (Yeasu’s Fusion) C4FM. We pride ourselves in trying to give our members the newest of technologies available to the Amateur radio society.
Our repeaters are situated on the top of Mount Royal in Montreal very close the famous St.Joseph’s Oratory. Our coverage extends towards the New York State Border and westward to the Ontario Border, and northward into the Laurentians.
Our DMR Repeater is a Motorola XPR-8400. It is connected to the
DMR-MARC System through the Canadian C-Bridges and operates on UHF using frequencies 447.625MHz Minus offset.
Our Digital Fusion Repeater is a YAESU DXR-1 operating on frequencies 146.760MHz minus offset. It is connected to the internet via Wires-x, and is permanently connected to the Quebec English Room 28104. A user can connect it to any room they wish and after 15 minutes of no activity locally the repeater will switch back to room 28104.
We now have a joint effort with the M.A.R.C. club here in Montreal and we co-host an analogue repeater VE2RED 147.270 Plus offset with a tone of 103.5.
MTR-2000 UHF Analog repeater connected to a DVR-1 Board and a Beagle Bone Black operating on frequencies 448.625MHz minus offset and is also Connected to the Internet and is connected to the Dstar Network. It is permanently connected to XRF005B reflector but of course the users can disconnect and then reconnect the repeater to any node that is available on the Dstar network.
We also operate an IRLP Link Node # is 2006 on the analogue Repeater VE2RED available to all members of the Group.
The photo to the left shows a rack of RF filters (Band-pass and notch filter cavities) installed at the site. Not all are for our repeaters as this is a commercial site and several other repeaters are co-located.
Our newest addition (photo on right) is a Remote IP power-bar switch which is connected to the internet and has its own web interface allowing us to log on and provides us the ability to turn the power ON or OFF per device. In the case a computer or repeater malfunctions, or if it is mis-used, each piece of equipment can be remotely enabled or disabled, thus saving
a trip to the site.
Our antenna system is comprised of many different types of antennas, using multiple frequency bands, from Low-Band VHF through VHF, UHF, 800MHz, 900MHz, and point-to-point microwave ranging from 900 MHz to1.2GHz, 2.4GHz, 3.5GHz, (5.2, 5.4, 5.8GHz) and beyond !